advancing backwards to 1940
let's advance backwards to approach where animators were during the 'golden age'.
and then go forward from there - so we can do new things.
the thing you are going to build on must be basic.
everyone wants to decorate their house with interesting pieces before putting in the corner-stones and supports.
everyone wants to jump ahead to the sophisticated bit - glossing over the dull. old support work.
but it's the through understanding of the basics that produces real sophistication.
let's advance backwards to approach where animators were during the 'golden age'.
and then go forward from there - so we can do new things.
the thing you are going to build on must be basic.
everyone wants to decorate their house with interesting pieces before putting in the corner-stones and supports.
everyone wants to jump ahead to the sophisticated bit - glossing over the dull. old support work.
but it's the through understanding of the basics that produces real sophistication.
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